Picture of Patricia maroño

Patricia Maroño

Marketing Assistant

Women and Girls in Science Day

The United Nations General Assembly decided to proclaim 11 February 2016 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

The main objective of this day is to achieve greater participation and inclusion of women and girls in the world of science and technology, making visible and revaluing the work of women researchers around the world and encouraging scientific vocation in girls, thus breaking the gender gap.

Although the international community has made great efforts in recent years to inspire and promote the participation of women and girls in science, there are still obstacles to women's and girls' participation in science.

This year, 2022, we are working to ensure that women and girls are part of science as agents of change with the slogan "Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Water brings us together".

To celebrate this February 11 the Day of Women and Girls in Science, from Dreamgenics we want to bring you closer to our #WomenInScience who inspire us every day with their work.

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