
Transcriptomic analysis

The importance of gene expression in the study of different diseases.

Study of gene expression

Transcriptomic analyses allow quantification of gene expression using NGS platforms. The interpretation of data from RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) has become an increasingly demanded service due to its sensitivity and accuracy.

Our bioinformatics analysis includes:

  • Quality control of the sequences.
  • Alignment of reads against reference sequences.
  • Quantification of gene expression in the sample.
  • Analysis of differential gene expression between different samples.
  • Enrichment study of gene ontologies and pathways.
  • Study of isoforms generated in alternative splicing events*.
  • Identification of other RNAs (smallRNAs and ncRNAs)*.

*Where the experimental design and coverage allow.

Accepted files

We can carry out bioinformatics analysis from:

  • Illumina: FASTQ

You can send us your raw files on a hard disk or share them via FTP. If you have any questions please contact us by sending an email to or calling 985 088 180 and we will help you.

Results in Genome One Reports

We deliver the results of our transcriptomic analysis through our Genome One Reports platform. A simple and intuitive web platform that will provide you with the following advantages:

PCA Plot
Adjusted P-value Histogram
MA Plot
Volcano Plot
Correlation Heatmap

Different options in RNA-Seq experiments

The libraries used in an RNA-Seq experiment depend on the starting sample and the type of RNAs to be studied.

Contact us and we will help you choose the best option for your project.

mRNA-Seq & Total RNA-Seq

*Elimination of ribosomal RNA and globin mRNA in blood samples for Total RNA-seq.