Genome One Easy

Genome One Easy

Discover our tool for analyzing genomic data from VCF files

Software for annotation and clinical interpretation of variants

Genome One Easy is a software developed by Dreamgenics that allows the annotation, filtering, review and clinical interpretation of genetic variants from VCF files from Illumina, MGI and Ion Torrent sequencers. 

Thanks to the automation of many processes, its use is simple and intuitive, requiring no previous experience in bioinformatics on the part of the user. In addition, Genome One Easy has CE-IVD marking and is certified by AENOR in the UNE-EN ISO 13485:2016 standard.


You can learn more about the different bioinformatics analysis services that we offer by downloading our Services Catalog

Main features

Genome One Easy has been designed to facilitate daily work, offering a friendly and customizable environment to adapt to the preferences of each user.

Access and home screen

File Upload and Annotation

Filtering and Review


Security of the information used

We go to great lengths to ensure the security of the data we work with.

For this reason, our Genome One Easy software meets the highest quality standards: