Whole Genome Sequencing

We offer libraries with PCR amplification and PCR-Free to adapt to the needs of each customer.

Whole Genome Sequencing

We offer the WGS sequencing service using different sequencing libraries and technologies depending on the characteristics of the project. The FASTQ generated are delivered by means of a hard disk.

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) allows the sequencing of the whole genomic information and not only the coding regions, as occurs in WES. Therefore, the sequencing of the intronic regions of the genes, and of the rest of the non-coding DNA of the genome, can have interesting applications in those cases where it is necessary to go beyond the information provided by WES.

The WGS sequencing we perform at Dreamgenics includes:

  • Project follow-up with a member of our team.
  • Possibility of DNA extraction from different biological samples.
  • Sequencing parameters adapted to the characteristics of the project.
  • Quality control of samples, libraries and sequencing.
  • Estimated delivery time 20-30 working days.
  • Possibility to carry out subsequent bioinformatics analysis, if desired.
NGS Sequencing Service
Learn more about the different sequencing services we offer in our brochure.

Stages of service


Initial counseling

We help you choose the sequencing conditions best suited to your project 


Receipt of samples

We receive your samples in our laboratory and perform quality control. 


Library preparation

We carry out the automated preparation of libraries and the quality control of the product obtained.


NGS sequencing

We perform the sequencing according to the chosen conditions and deliver the FASTQ by HDD.

Available options

For WGS we offer libraries with PCR amplification and PCR-Free libraries, as well as different sequencing options depending on the origin of the samples and the characteristics of the project.

*The output depends on the experimental design of each project. Contact us and we will help you choose the sequencing conditions that best suit your needs.

PCR and PCR-Free sequencing
The PCR-Free methodology has the advantage of not accumulating errors and allows for greater uniformity of coverage and higher variant detection performance.
PCR-amplified libraries are used when the amount of starting DNA is low or degraded, as in FFPE samples.
Contact our team
If you would like to request a quotation, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you.
Other species
For WGS sequencing of other species we use specific libraries. Write us and we will help you to choose the best conditions for your project.

Experts in genomic data analysis

Find out how we can help you get the most out of your NGS data

We invite you to take a short video call with our team in which we will show you the features of our Genome One Reports platform and all its functionalities.