
Genomic analysis

Relevant clinical information

Deciphering DNA information

The analysis of massive sequencing data is a complex process that requires a high level of bioinformatics knowledge and large processing and storage resources.

At Dreamgenics we have own software and pipelines for the analysis of NGS data from the sequencing of genomes, exomes, trio exomes and targeted exomes.

Our bioinformatics analysis includes:

  • Quality control of the sequences.
  • Alignment of reads originated against reference genome.
  • Detection of high quality variants (SNVs, Indels and CNVs).
  • Filtering of common variants in the population.
  • Annotation of variants obtained with multiple databases and prediction algorithms.
  • Comparison between samples and extraction of recurrent variants.
Bioinformatics Services
Learn more about our NGS data analysis services by downloading our brochure

Results in Genome One Reports

We deliver the results of our genomic analysis through our Genome One Reports platform. A simple and intuitive web platform that will provide you with the following advantages:

We offer a wide variety of possibilities

Depending on the starting sample and the analysis to be performed, different libraries can be used.

Contact us and we will help you choose the best option for your project.


*CNVs whenever the experimental design permits.

"We routinely work with Dreamgenics for genomic and transcriptomic data analysis for our projects. Within the genomic area we ask them for paired tumor/control analyses in which we seek to filter germline variants from patients in order to isolate and characterize somatic variants. To work with this data, their Genome One Reports tool is very useful to us and, in addition, they offer us support to solve our doubts whenever we need it."
Dr. Roberto Díaz Peña
Miguel Servet Researcher - IDIS