Whole Exome Sequencing

We rely on the quality of Agilent SureSelect libraries for our whole exome sequencing service.

Whole Exome Sequencing

We offer WES sequencing service using DNBSEQ™ technology and Agilent SureSelect libraries. The generated FASTQs are delivered through the Dreamgenics server or via hard disk, depending on the total file size.

Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) includes the coding regions (exons) of more than 20,000 genes described to date. It is estimated that about 85% of the known disease-causing mutations are located in the exons, which is why its analysis is one of the genomic tools with the highest diagnostic yield, especially in complex cases.

In addition, the identification and characterization of structural alterations in the genome (CNVs, mobile elements, inversions and translocations) can contribute to the diagnosis of some genetic diseases, as well as help to establish the necessary preventive strategies and implement the most appropriate treatments for each patient.

The WES sequencing we perform at Dreamgenics includes:

  • Project follow-up with a member of our team.
  • Possibility of DNA extraction from different biological samples.
  • Sequencing parameters adapted to the characteristics of the project.
  • Quality control of samples, libraries and sequencing.
  • Estimated delivery time 10-15 working days.
  • Possibility to carry out subsequent bioinformatics analysis, if desired.
NGS Sequencing Service
Learn more about the different sequencing services we offer in our brochure.

Stages of service


Initial counseling

We help you choose the sequencing conditions best suited to your project 


Receipt of samples

We receive your samples in our laboratory and perform quality control. 


Library preparation

We carry out the automated preparation of libraries and the quality control of the product obtained.


NGS sequencing

We perform the sequencing according to the chosen conditions and deliver the FASTQs to you via HDD or our FTP.

Available options

For WES sequencing we use Agilent SureSelect XT HS technology and Agilent SureSelect Human All Exon V8 and Agilent SureSelect Clinical Research Exome V4 probes.

*The output depends on the experimental design of each project. Contact us and we will help you choose the sequencing conditions that best suit your needs.

Datasheet of the probes
You can find more information about the probes we use by downloading the datasheet.
Contact our team
If you would like to request a quotation, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you.

Samples and shipping conditions

*If you wish, we can take care of the sample extraction using Qiagen and Invitrogen kits. Contact us for more information.

Animal samples
For WES sequencing of animal samples (rat, mouse, etc.) we use specific libraries. Write us and we will help you to choose the best conditions for your project.

Experts in genomic data analysis

Find out how we can help you get the most out of your NGS data

We invite you to take a short video call with our team in which we will show you the features of our Genome One Reports platform and all its functionalities.