Yesterday, October 6th, was held the transfer organized by the CSIC Asturias and the Chamber of Commerce of Oviedo on Personalized Medicine in the fight against cancer, which brought together several experts from the health sector, among them Rosa María Sainz, director of IUOPAAgustín Fernández, scientist at CSIC, Francisco Morís, founder of EntreChemJuan Cadiñanos, scientific director of IMOMAPablo Román, Chief Operating Officer of IMOMA, Yolanda Calero, President of the AECC in Asturias and our CEO, Carlos Martínez.
The conference dealt with several topics related to the situation of Personalized Medicine in Asturias and Spain. All the participants emphasized the need for changes in the current healthcare model so that all the possibilities derived from genomics and new sequencing technologies can be transferred to clinical practice. They also pointed out the need to create the specialty of Clinical Genetics in Spain to ensure that both the public and private healthcare systems have properly trained professionals to carry out genetic studies.
Our CEO, Carlos Martínez, emphasized the need to allocate resources to prevention, since "epidemiological data show that prevention is our main tool in the fight against cancer", and stressed the importance of transmitting correct information to the public regarding the scientific advances that are being made in order to prevent them from producing a false sense of security that could lead to a relaxation of preventive measures.
You can read the news about this event at the following link: