World Rare Disease Day

February 28, World Rare Disease Day.

Today, February 28th, is World Rare Disease Day. Rare diseases are diseases of low prevalence in terms of the total population, but that already affect more than 3 million people in our country. It is estimated that there are 7,000 known rare diseases, and approximately 3 million ... Read more

#IMMeeting "Rare diseases: more refined diagnoses, more specific treatments".

We participated in the IMMeeting organized by IMMédico to talk about rare diseases, their diagnosis and treatment,

Yesterday we participated in the IMMeeting organized by IMMédico to talk about rare diseases, their diagnosis and treatment, together with Beatriz Perales, member of the Spanish Association of Orphan and Ultra-Orphan Drug Laboratories (AELMHU) and Ramón García, hematologist and head of the molecular biology laboratory of the University Hospital of Salamanca. Rare diseases are ... Read more

APADA Seminar: Hearing Loss and Genetics

Hearing loss is the loss of hearing, to a lesser or greater degree, which may be caused by environmental or genetic causes. It is estimated that about 80% of newly diagnosed cases of hearing loss have a hereditary basis and affect, according to WHO, 360 million people worldwide. Last Thursday, we conducted a ... Read more

World Day for Neuromuscular Diseases

On the World Day of Neuromuscular Diseases, our head of Clinical Genetics, Leyre Larzabal, gives us different facts about them.

Today is World Neuromuscular Diseases Day and we talked to our Clinical Genetics Manager, Leyre Larzabal, to learn a little more about them. "First of all, it is important to keep in mind that when we talk about neuromuscular diseases we are referring to a set of more than 150 neurological, progressive and chronic conditions, in which ... Read more

The era of personalized medicine in the fight against cancer

Transfer organized by CSIC Asturias and the Chamber of Commerce of Oviedo on Personalized Medicine in the fight against cancer.

Yesterday, October 6, was held the transfer organized by the CSIC Asturias and the Chamber of Commerce of Oviedo on Personalized Medicine in the fight against cancer, which brought together several experts from the health sector, including Rosa María Sainz, director of IUOPA; Agustín Fernández, CSIC scientist, Francisco Morís, founder of IUOPA; Francisco ... Read more

Dreamgenics signs a collaboration agreement with Ana Carolina Díez Mahou Foundation


Ana Carolina Díez Mahou Foundation and Dreamgenics have signed a framework agreement of institutional collaboration to promote the genetic diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases, as well as the realization of research projects and training activities related to them. From Dreamgenics we offer our genetic diagnosis services to patients and their families to contribute in the best way possible to the development of the ... Read more

Interview on Cadena Ser

Interview with Cadena Ser in which we talk about the importance of genetic studies in different diseases.

Last Friday, our colleague and CEO, Carlos Martinez, was interviewed in the program "Hoy por Hoy" of Cadena Ser, in which he talked about the importance of genetic studies in different diseases and what is the Dreamgenics offer for this type of studies. We have a service ... Read more

National Epilepsy Day

National Epilepsy Day is celebrated with the aim of informing and raising awareness about this disease.

Today, May 24, is celebrated the National Epilepsy Day with the aim of informing and raising awareness about this disease and about the reality and needs of patients with epilepsy. We leave you a webinar presented by our colleague Ginevra Bonelli where we talk about genetic epilepsies, from its etiology to its ... Read more